Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 10th

Today we traveled to the small town of Mchezi for a home stay. When we got there we passed right by a school so all of the children ran out of their classrooms to follow us to the local CBO. The board members of the CBO were there and taught us about everything that they do for the community. They do home-based care for HIV/AIDS patients, they have a pig-ery and poultry center, early childhood development, and programs for orphans and vulnerable children. They have over 5,000 beneficiaries they estimated. That's amazing for such a small CBO. They also told us about how they want to build a maize mill to make the CBO more self-sustained and have a more reliable cash flow. We ended up figuring out a business plan and we are going to help them get the money for their mill. It is really exciting! I hope it works out. I'm not going to let myself not get too excited though. A lot of things like this tend to fizzle out once we are all away from each other. I hope this time it will be different.

We got to play with the children a lot today. I enjoyed it so much! We were out there dancing with them and all of the people watching thought it was so funny when they saw us white people dancing. They were soooo  much better than us. Little girls that only as tall as my waist can dance like pros haha. They love to shake their little booties. I loved it. We are staying with our home-stay families tonight. I hope it's great!

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