Saturday, February 4, 2012

Monday, January 9th

Today we got back into the "school" types of things. We started with a tour of new city center. It looked totally different than the rest of Malawi. The Chinese decided to build a 5 star hotel for some reason..., the parliament building was nice but we didn't go in. We stopped at the clock tower first and a man was there to tell us about it. It was a memorial for Banda made by the president now, Mutharika. We got to climb the clock tower which was really fun. I bit sketchy, but really fun. We visited Banda's tomb after that. The tour guide was extremely knowledgeable and it didn't seem like we could ask him a question that he couldn't answer. We learned a lot about Banda while we were there. Banda believed in 4 disciplines: loyalty, discipline, courage, and obedience. The four large pillars around the replica of his tomb had those words engraved on them.

After the tours around town we came back to the compound. A man named Alex came to talk to us about the nonprofit called Jewish Heart for Africa. They work on putting up solar panels in rural areas to power water pumps and give electricity to health clinics. Clinics usually had to depend on kerosene lanterns or candles to do work at night but with Jewish Heart for Africa they had electricity and refrigeration for vaccines and medicines. JHFA makes the project sustainable by working with the community and setting up a cell phone charging station through the solar panels' power. They charge for each person to use it and then that gives the community enough money to replace batteries and other parts when needed. So by including the community in the project it is kept up by them and also sustained by the community. No outside help needed if successful.

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