Friday, February 3, 2012

January 6th, 7th, and 8th

This weekend we went to Zambia to go on Safari! We went on three different safaris throughout the weekend (2 night 1 morning). I was very surprised at how nice the accommodations were at Croc Valley. We got treated very nicely and it was more like a vacation than a study abroad trip. We saw all different kinds of animals. I'm going to list them. Elephants, giraffes, zebra, impala, puku, crocodiles, eagles, rabbit, mongoose, female lions, leopard, wart hogs, water buck, hippos, birds, nocturnal "cat" (forgot its name), baboons, and other things. It was a trip of a lifetime. I LOVED seeing all of those animals in the wild. It was so much cooler than going to a zoo. The best part was that it seemed like all of the animals had babies. They were so cute!

Croc Valley talked to us the last morning we were there. Or night? I don't remember. They told us how everything that they do supports the local economy. They buy building supplies and food from the nearby town and their employees are also from the local area. Many of the other camps around do the same thing as well. The locals can train to become a game driver and guide in the town as well. They have to pass a test and then they are allowed to take tourists on tours. The money that the tourists bring in to the area have made the town grow and made the locals have a better financial situation. I like how everything is based locally. You know that you are helping the locals by just being there.

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